Butterfly Dragon Qigong and TaiChiChuan with Nina Canal logo

About Nina

After five years living in NYC, participating in the extremely creative milieu of the late 70’s there, she returned to London where she began her longterm love affair with the Internal Energy Arts. Her studies began in 1982, initially of TaiChiChuan with the renowned Miss Rose Li, then adding HsingY’I Chuan - ie Mind or Shadow Boxing - until late in 1990 when she moved back to the US, to find a very different, amazing “style”, called ShingY’I Chuan, in Venice, CA. Nina continued her studies of various Chinese Internal Arts through 2013, while living in Los Angeles, then Paris and Marseille in France. Currently Nina teaches both TaiChiChuan and Qigong in Sonoma County, California.

    • 1982 - 1990 Northern Wu Style Taichichuan and HsingY’I Chuan | Teacher - Miss Rose Li, London, UK

    • 1991 - 1998 ShingY’I Chuan (Sifu Kenny Gong’s) | Teacher - Stu Charno, Venice, CA, USA

    • 1999 - 2002 Japanese Zheng Zong TaijiQuan and Y’I Chuan | Teacher - Shigeru Uemura, Paris, France

    • 2003 - 2010 Original Yang style Taichichuan | Teacher - Yves Blanc, Paris, France

    • 2010 - 2014 Butterly Dragon TaiChiChuan and Qigong | Teacher - Max Turpin, Marseille, France

Nina’s Other Passions

Paintings & Fashion
